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Dua'a-e-Allahummah Asleh

اللهم اصلح عبدك وخليفتك بما اصلحت به انبيائك و رسلك, وحفَه بملائكتك, وأيَده بروح القدس من عندك, واسلكه من بين يديه ومن خلفه رصدا يحفظونه من كل سوء, وابدله من بعد خوفه امناً يعبدك لا يشرك بك شيئاً, ولا تجعل من خلقك على وليك سلطانا, وأذن له في جهاد عدوك وعدوه, والجعلني من انصارك انك على كل شيٍ قدير

O Allah! Reform conditions of Your servant and caliph with those means by which You have reformed conditions of Your messengers and prophets. Surround him with the angels and support him with the Holy Spirit. Appoint protectors from the front and behind him, (those) who would guard him from all troubles and calamities. Convert his fear into security, (so that) he may worship only You and doesn't associate anybody with You. Do not make any of Your creatures an authority over Your vicegerent. Permit him to fight against Your enemies and his enemies and include me among his helpers. Surely You possess power over everything.


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