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Fifteenth: Abu-Hamzah al-Thumali has reported that he, once, stopped at the door of Imam al-Baqir’s house, waiting for permission to enter. The Imam (‘a) then came out while he was uttering something. “Have you heard these words of mine?” the Imam (‘a) asked.

“Yes, I have. May Allah accept me as ransom for You!” answered Abu-Hamzah.

The Imam (‘a) said, “I have been uttering some words that none says them but that Allah the All-exalted will save him from whatever distresses him, including the affairs of this world and the Next World.”

“May Allah accept me as ransom for you.” said Abu-Hamzah, “Will you please teach me these words?”

“Yes, I will,” responded the Imam (‘a), “Whoever says these words before leaving his house, all his matters that concern him will be made easy:”

بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحمى حسبى اللّه توكّلت على اللّه اللّهم انّى اسالك خير امورى كلّها،و اعوز بك من خزى الدّنيا و عذاب الاخرة.


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