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First: Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) is reported to have advised of the following: For all ailments, you may say this supplicatory prayer:

بسم اللّه و باللّه‏ كم من نعمة للّه فى عرق ساكن و غير ساكن،على عبد شاكر و غير شاكر

Upon accomplishing an obligatory prayer, you may grasp your beard with your right hand and repeat the following supplicatory prayer three times:

اللّهمّ فرّج عنّى كربتى‏ و عجّل عافيتى و اكشف ضرّى.

Make sure that you associate this supplicatory prayer with tears and weeping.

Second: Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) is also reported to have advised: Put your hand on the ailed organ and say this:

بسم اللّه و باللّه،و محمّد رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله،و لا حول و لا قوّة الاّ باللّه،اللّهمّ امسح عنّى ما اجد.

You may then rub your right hand over the ailed organ three times.

Third: Imam al-Baqir (‘a) is reported to have said: When Imam ‘Ali (‘a) was ailed, the Holy Prophet (s) came to him and advised him to say this supplicatory prayer:

اللّهمّ انّى اسالك تعجيل عافيتك و صبرا على بليّتك،و خروجا الى رحمتك‏

Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) is reported to have advised of the following:

You may put your hand on the ailed organ and repeat this supplicatory prayer three times:

اللّهمّ انّى اسالك بحقّ القران العظيم،الّذى نزل به الرّوح الامين،و هو عندك فى‏ امّ الكتاب علىّ حكيم،ان تشفينى بشفائك و تداوينى بداوائك،و تعافينى من بلائك و تصلي علي محمد و آل محمّد

Fifth: Abu-Hamzah is reported to have said: One day, I felt pain in my knee. When I complained about it to Imam al-Baqir (‘a), he advised me, saying: Upon accomplishment of a prayer, you may say this supplicatory prayer:

يا اجود من اعطى،يا خير من سئل،و يا ارحمن‏ من استرحم،ارحم ضعفى و قلّة حيلتى،و اعفنى من وجعى.

Abu-Hamzah added: When I did, I was healed.

It is worth mentioning that I have referred in Section Three to other supplicatory prayers against ailments and illnesses.


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