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Oh People of the House

Asalamu alaike ya Aba'Abdillah, Asalamu alaike ya ibni Rasullilah, Asalamu alaike yebneh Amirul Mumineen wa Sayeda al-wasee'in, Asalamu alaike ya ibni Fatimatu al-Zahra -- May endless peace and blessings always be upon you oh lonely and oppressed Faris of Allah.

Oh son of Ali - May I and my children be sacrificed for you — May Allah not take our souls away except as martyrs in your way — never going astray — Supporting our Imam fighting for Islam -- following your path that leads from darkness into light — eternal paradise — avenging the blood of the beloveds of Allah on the sands of Karbala.
Wa'waylah! Your mother Fatima, is she could only see the gruesome tragedy in which her beloved son was slain abandoned and alone not knowing where to turn calling out for help surrounded by the army of Shaytan under the banner of Islam. Certainly Fatima knows and her grieving knows no end — her heart is full of sorrow from beginning until end — for all that's she's encountered — for all that she has seen — her very house was set on fire she was crushed behind her door — her blessed ribs were broken — your baby brother Muhsin was miscarried before he even came into this world, and woe unto he who caused those casualties — the companion that usurped that which rightly belonged to the prophet's family out of selfish needs.
Your dear mother Batool knew full well what you would face — the daughter of Rasul was told from the minute you were born the events that would take place — as your grandfather Mohammad (saws) weeped as he looked upon your face. He held you in his arms and he kissed you on your neck as a baby — innocent and pure — just as you were the day that you were martyred in the land of Naynawa. 

Wa Hussainah -- When you said your last salams to the woman in your camp and you set off to defend the religion of Islam your sister Zaynab cried out unto you - for she had recalled the request of your dear mother Batool whom asked that you be kissed on your neck before your final death — that neck that would be severed from it's mutilated body upon which horses trampled on — the decapitated body of the only left grandson of the apostle of Allah - who died in total draught and now was left as if to rot near the banks of Furaat.
Oh Hussain, your blessed heads were then paraded unto spears from one town to the next, while your woman were chained — held captives and their faces were unveiled.
Wa immamah. - Your faithful companions — all 72 laid down their lives only for you - All for Allah - for the religion of Islam - for the word of the Quran. They did not start the fight but merely defended their right — the right to live a life in the light of true Islam as free men on the path of righteousness and love and mercy towards each other in every walk of life.
Oh Hussain you stood for truth and eternally successful you'll remain for you did not die in vain. Your message echoes loudly through time — and time again — while your enemies forgotten and cursed by the heavens and the earth — for the army of Yazid fought you for nothing but greed. They thought they had succeeded but woe unto them for how low they have dug themselves into the fires of Hell - eternally damned and accursed they remain while with each passing year we all call out your name - Ya Hussain!
Ya Aba'Abdillah, if it weren't for you there would be no more truth for the tyrants of the time were sitting on their pulpits preaching falsehood while their actions went against every principle of faith. Oh Ahlu-Bayt our eyes shed with tears for the injustice that you faced — don't those that hurt you know that the very reason they were brought into existence was out of Allah's love for you alone? For He created you from light and placed near His throne!
Oh people of the house may I be sacrificed for you and may the blessings of Allah always shower by the hour, every minute, every second that goes by - Peace and blessings of Allah be upon Al-Mustafa and on his holy progeny — the infallible Imams and the martyrs of Islam - Asalam alal Hussain wa ala Ali ibnil Hussain wa ala awladil Hussain wa ala al as'habil Hussain - asalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.
Allahuma Sali ala Muhammadin wa alehe tahireen.

- poem by 
one of our Sisters


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