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Salaat/Namaaz in Shia Islam

Covering Body in Salat

While offering prayers, a man should cover his private parts even if no one is looking at him. As for a woman, she should cover her entire body while offering prayers, including her head and hair. It is not necessary for her to cover that part of her face, which is washed while performing Wudhu, or the hands up to the wrists, (or the upper feet up to the ankles, if there is no stranger).

There are six conditions for the dress used in Salat:

  • It should be clean.
  • It should be Mubah, as an obligatory precaution.
  • It should not be made of the parts of a dead body.
  • It should not be made from pure silk. (Ruling for men only.)
  • It should not have any gold objects. (Ruling for men only.)
  • It should not be made of carcass, whose meat is Harram. If a clothe is made from leather, it should be from an animal whose meat is halal.


Covering Body in Salat

  • Place on which prayer is offered must not be usurped. If a person prays on a usurped property, his prayers are void.
  • Being stable. The place for prayers should not have such a vigorous movement, which would make normal standing, Ruku or Sajdah impossible. In fact, it should not prevent the body from being at ease.
  • It should not make body or clothes of a person who wants to offer prayers Najis. If the place where one wishes to pray is Najis, it should not be so wet that its moisture would reach the body or the dress of the person praying except than those kinds of Nejasat which are negligible in Salat.
  • Men should stand in front of women. Women should stand behind men while praying. It is better that her place of Sajdah placed a little back from where a man stands for Salat. Hence, if a woman stands in front of a man, or in the same line, Salat is void.

Time of Fajr prayer:

Just before dawn a column of whiteness rises upwards from the east. It is called the first dawn. When this whiteness spreads, it is called the second dawn, and the Prime time for Subh prayers. The time for Subh prayers is till sunrise.

Time of Zohr prayer:

It begins when the sun starts inclining to the west.

Time of Asr prayer:

It begins when the special time of Zohr prayer is over. The special time for Zohr prayer is from the beginning of Zohr until the time required for such prayer. The time for Asr prayer ends at sunset.

Time of Maghrib prayer:

Maghrib is the time that the redness in the eastern sky appearing after sunset has passed overhead. The time for Maghrib Prayer is from the beginning of Maghrib until when there is only enough time left to offer Isha Prayer before mid-night.

Time for Isha prayer:

It begins when the special time of Maghrib prayer is over. The special time for Maghrib prayer is from the beginning of Maghrib until the time required for such prayer. The time for Isha prayer ends at midnight (for a person of a free will).

Note: Mid-Night in relation to Isha and Maghrib prayers is time between sunset and dawn. Mid-night time differs from season to season and time to time throughout a year.



It is obligatory for one who is offering a prayer - be it Mustahab or obligatory - to offer in the direction of Qibla which is the Holy Ka'bah.

It is highly recommended for a man and a woman to say Adhan before offering daily prayers.
Adhan consists of the following 18 sentences:

Allahu Akbar (Allah is greater than any description) four times;
Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lah two times;
Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasu lul lah two times;
Hayya'alas Salah two times;
Hayya'alal Falah two times;
Hayya'ala Khayril 'Amal two times;
Allahu Akbar two times;
La ilaha illal lah two times.


It is highly recommended for a man and a woman to say Adhan before offering daily obligatory prayers.
Iqamah consists of the following 17 sentences:

Allahu Akbar (Allah is greater than any description) two times;
Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lah two times;
Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasu lul lah two times;
Hayya'alas Salah two times;
Hayya'alal Falah two times;
Hayya'ala Khayril 'Amal two times;
Qadqa matis Salah two times;
Allahu Akbar two times;
La ilaha illal lah one time.

Note: Ash hadu anna Amiral Mu'minina Aliyyan Waliyyullah is not a part of either Adhan or Iqamah. But it is preferable that it is pronounced after Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulul lah with the Niyyat of Qurbat.

What Invalidates Prayer

  • Urine or excretion, Janabah, menses.
  • One of the invalidating agents of prayer is to turn away from Qibla intentionally or forgetfully, or turning to right or left from Qibla or even turning intentionally so much that it is not towards Qibla in general view.
  • Whatever act that changes the appearance of prayer. For example, if a person moves his body voilently like a dancing or jumping, it invalidates prayer.
  • Uttering a word or words intentionally.
  • Intentional, loud and uncontrollable laugh.
  • If one intentionally weeps loudly over some worldly matters, his Prayer will be void. But if he weeps silently or loudly due to fear of Allah, or for the hereafter, there is no harm in it. In fact, it is among the best acts. It is said that the Lord of Martyrs, Imam Husain (a.s.) wept in his prayer when returning to hereafter.
  • Eating and drinking.
  • Folding hands (i.e. placing one hand on the other at prayer).
  • Saying "Amin" after Surah al-Hamd.

Dawn Prayers

After we have performed Wudhu, we stand in the direction of Qibla. It is recommended to recite Adhan and Iqamah before Salat. Then we begin the morning prayers which consist of two Rak'ats (units). The time for dawn prayers is when a column of whiteness rises upwards from the east. It is called the first dawn. When this whiteness spreads, it is called the second dawn, and the Prime time for Subh prayers. The time for Subh prayers is till sunrise.

The dawn prayers are offered as under:

Niyyat (intention)

Niyyat is the intention one has in his mind. It is not necessary to utter it; to pass it through his mind is sufficient. He makes the Niyyat as such: "I am offering two Rak'ats of dawn prayers, qurbatan elal lah." 'Qurbatan elal lah' means seeking nearness to Allah, in obedience to Him.

Takbiratul Ehram

 Lift boths hands up to the ears and say: Allahu Akbar

To say Allahu Akbar in the beginning of every prayer is obligatory. It is also necessary that these two words should be pronounced in correct Arabic. If a person pronounces these words incorrectly, or utters their translation, it will not be valid.
It is necessary that when a person pronounces Takbiratul Ehram, his body is steady, if he pronounces Takbiratul Ehram intentionally when his body is in motion, his Takbir is void.

Qira'at (Reciting the Surah Al-Hamd and Other Surah of Holy Qur'an)

 In the the daily obligatory prayers, after the Takbiratul Ehram, one should recite Surah al-Hamd followed by another complete Surah such as Sura-e Ikhlas. The he says Takbir (Allhu Akbar) and bends for Ruku.

Note: If we are offering Al-Fil chapter in in our prayers, it is necessary to offer Al-elaaf with it. Similarly, if we reciting Al-Zohaa chapter, we have to recite Alam Nashrah with it. It is necessary for men to recite dawn, Maghrib and Isha prayers in audible voice.


In every Rak'at, a person offering prayers should, after reciting the Surah (Qira'at), bow to an extent that he is able to rest his finger tips on his knees. This act is called Ruku. When our body is motionless we recite: Sobhana Rabbiyal 'Azimi wa bi hamdih (Free from all defects is my Lord, and with His praise I bow.) After the completion of the Zikr of Ruku, one should stand straight, and proceed to Sajdah after the body has become steady.


 Sajdah means that one should place one's forehead on earth in a special manner, with the intention of humility (before Allah).
While performing Sajdahs during prayers, it is obligatory that both the palms and the knees, and both the big toes are placed on the ground.
A person offering prayers should perform two sajdahs after the Ruku, in each Rak'at of the obligatory prayer.

The following zikr should be recited in the sajdah once:

Subhana Rabbi yal A'la wa bihamdih once.

(Glory be to my Great Sustainer, Most High, and I praise Him.)

Then sit up in a kneeling position with the ankle of the right foot in the sole of the left foot, with hands resting on the thighs and say: "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great). Repeat the Sajdah again and then sit up in a kneeling position and say: "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great).

Sit up for a moment and then rise while saying: "Bay Hawlillahay wa Qoowateyhee Aqoomo wa Aqud" (Due to the vigour given by Allah and because of the vitality from Him I rise and stand).

Second Rak'at

Recite Surah Al-Hamd and Other Surah of Holy Qur'an as in the first rak'at followed by: "Allaho Akbar" (Allah is Great).

Now do Qunoot

 Keep your hands in front of your face, turning the palms facing the sky, and keeping both, the hands and the fingers, close together and recite the following: Rabbana Aatayna Fiddoonya Hasanataw wa fil Aakheratey Hasanataw wa Qena Azaban Nar. (O our Lord! Bestow upon us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire).

Go back to Ruku and recite the zikr, stand up momentarily and then do the two sajdah's (just as in the first rak'at).


After the second Sajdah at the end of second rak'at recite the following while sitting with a tranquil body: "Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluh Alla humma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammad" (I testify that there is none worth worshipping except the Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny).


After Tashahhud recite the Salaam as follows:
Assalamu 'alayka ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
(O Prophet! Allah's peace, blessings and grace be upon you!).
Assalamu 'alayna wa 'ala 'ibadil lahis salihin
(Allah's peace be on us, those offering prayers - and upon all pious servants of Allah).
Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
(Allah's peace, blessings and grace be on you believers!) 

Zohr Prayers

Niyyat (intention)

Niyyat is the intention one has in his mind. It is not necessary to utter it; to pass it through his mind is sufficient. He makes the Niyyat as such: "I am offering four Rak'ats of Zohr prayers, qurbatan elal lah." 'Qurbatan elal lah' means seeking nearness to Allah, in obedience to Him.

Takbiratul Ehram

Lift boths hands up to the ears and say: Allahu Akbar

To say Allahu Akbar in the beginning of every prayer is obligatory. It is also necessary that these two words should be pronounced in correct Arabic. If a person pronounces these words incorrectly, or utters their translation, it will not be valid. It is necessary that when a person pronounces Takbiratul Ehram, his body is steady, if he pronounces Takbiratul Ehram intentionally when his body is in motion, his Takbir is void.

Qira'at (Reciting the Surah Al-Hamd and Other Surah of Holy Qur'an)

 In the the daily obligatory prayers, after the Takbiratul Ehram, one should recite Surah al-Hamd followed by another complete Surah such as Sura-e Ikhlas. The he says Takbir (Allhu Akbar) and bends for Ruku.

Note: If we are offering Al-Fil chapter in in our prayers, it is necessary to offer Al-elaaf with it. Similarly, if we reciting Al-Zohaa chapter, we have to recite Alam Nashrah with it. It is necessary for men to recite dawn, Maghrib and Isha prayers in audible voice.


In every Rak'at, a person offering prayers should, after reciting the Surah (Qira'at), bow to an extent that he is able to rest his finger tips on his knees. This act is called Ruku. When our body is motionless we recite:

Sobhana Rabbiyal 'Azimi wa bi hamdih (Free from all defects is my Lord, and with His praise I bow.) After the completion of the Zikr of Ruku, one should stand straight, and proceed to Sajdah after the body has become steady.


Sajdah means that one should place one's forehead on earth in a special manner, with the intention of humility (before Allah).
While performing Sajdahs during prayers, it is obligatory that both the palms and the knees, and both the big toes are placed on the ground.
A person offering prayers should perform two sajdahs after the Ruku, in each Rak'at of the obligatory prayer.
The following zikr should be recited in the sajdah once:

Subhana Rabbi yal A'la wa bihamdih once.

(Glory be to my Great Sustainer, Most High, and I praise Him.)

Then sit up in a kneeling position with the ankle of the right foot in the sole of the left foot, with hands resting on the thighs and say: "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great). Repeat the Sajdah again and then sit up in a kneeling position and say: "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great).

Sit up for a moment and then rise while saying: "Bay Hawlillahay wa Qoowateyhee Aqoomo wa Aqud" (Due to the vigour given by Allah and because of the vitality from Him I rise and stand).

Second Rak'at

Recite Surah Al-Hamd and Other Surah of Holy Qur'an as in the first rak'at followed by: "Allaho Akbar" (Allah is Great).

Now do Qunoot

Keep your hands in front of your face, turning the palms facing the sky, and keeping both, the hands and the fingers, close together and recite the following: Rabbana Aatayna Fiddoonya Hasanataw wa fil Aakheratey Hasanataw wa Qena Azaban Nar. (O our Lord! Bestow upon us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire).

Go back to Ruku and recite the zikr, stand up momentarily and then do the two sajdah's (just as in the first rak'at).


After the second Sajdah at the end of second rak'at recite the following while sitting with a tranquil body: "Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluh Alla humma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammad" (I testify that there is none worth worshipping except the Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny).

Then stand up for the third rak'at saying "Bay Hawlillahay wa Qoowateyhee Aqoomo wa Aqud" (Due to the vigour given by Allah and because of the vitality from Him I rise and stand). The recite Tasbihat Arba'ah three times in low whispering voice, as follows:
"Subhanallahi wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha lallahu wallahu Akbar" (Glory be to Allah, and all praise is for Him and there is no one worth worshipping other than Allah, and He is Greater than any description). Then bend down for Ruku and recite the zikr, stand up momentarily and then do the two sajdah's (just as in the first rak'at). Then stand upon once again and do what you did in the third rak'at. Then bend down for Ruku and recite the zikr, stand up momentarily and then do the two sajdah's (just as in the third rak'at).


After the second Sajdah at the end of the fourth rak'at recite the following while sitting with a tranquil body: "Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluh Alla humma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammad" (I testify that there is none worth worshipping except the Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny).


After Tashahhud recite the Salaam as follows:
Assalamu 'alayka ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
(O Prophet! Allah's peace, blessings and grace be upon you!).
Assalamu 'alayna wa 'ala 'ibadil lahis salihin
(Allah's peace be on us, those offering prayers - and upon all pious servants of Allah).
Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
(Allah's peace, blessings and grace be on you believers!)

Note: Asr and Isha prayers are offered in the same manner that Zohr prayer is offered. The difference is only in Nyyat and timing. As for Maghrib prayer, it consists of three rak'ats (units) and at the end of the third Rak'at, Tashahhud and Salaam are recited.


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