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Beliefs and Practices in Shia Islam

Principles/Root of Faith (Usul Deen)

1) Tauhid ( Absolute Monotheism)

2) Adalat ( Concept of Divine Justice)

3) Nubuwat ( Prophet hood)

4) Imamat ( Divinely appointed leadership)

5) Qayamat ( Resurrection)

Practices/Branches of Faith ( Furu Deen)

1) Salah/ Namaz ( Prayer)

2) Sawm/ Roza ( Fasting)

3) Zakat/ Zakaat ( Charity)

4) Khums ( 1/5th Tax)

5) Hajj ( Pilgrimage)

6) Jihad ( Struggle)

7) Amr bil Ma'roof ( Enjoining good)

8) Nahi anil Munkar ( Forbidding evil)

9) Tawalla ( Loving Holy Prophet Mohammed and His family members)

10) Tabarra ( Dissociation from enemies of Holy Prophet Mohammed and enemies of His family members)


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