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Shahadat of the sons of Hazrat Muslim

Name: H. Muhammad (A.S.) and H. Ibrahim (A.S.), sons of Hazrat Muslim Bin Aqil (A.S.)

21st Zilhijj being the yom e shahadat of sons of Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel(a.s),we as Shia of Ali(a.s) need to remember their shahadat ,their sacrifice they gave to uphold Islam.

Let us first give attention to the Holy Quran which is our guide in the darkness of life.It shows us light,guidance and makes us a good muslim.Here is Surah Naas with its translation.

Surah Naas
1. Qul 'A`ūdhu Birabbi An-Nās
2. Maliki An-Nās
3.IlahinNas .
4.Min Sharril waswasil Khannas.
5. Al-Ladhī Yuwaswisu Fī Şudūri An-Nās
6. Mina Al-Jinnati Wa An-Nās


1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men,
2. The King of men
3.The God of men.
4. From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan),
5. Who whispers into the hearts of men,
6. From among the jinn and the men.

The first ayat speaks of Allah as being the Lord of men.It actually speaks about our taking refuge in the Almighty Allah.But first just concentrate on the words "be rabbin naas" in the first ayat .So when a person reads this he/she should keep in mind that Allah is the Lord of men and not just Lord of a particular group or sect .We must be careful in our interaction with almost all the people irrespective of the group/sect/faith he belongs to.We must not sin with a non muslim too.Because it is mentioned in the Quran that Allah is 'lord of men".It means He is everybody's Allah.He is everybody's God,be a person rich or poor,fair or black,tall or short,fat or slim,educated or uneducated.So while interacting with people we should always keep in mind that the person we are interacting with also has a big power (i.e Allah) to rely on and ask for revenge if something wrong is done to them.But liitle do people bother.
Next when we read the 2nd ayat,we know that he is "King of men".When we believe in his being the king we will never want to pass a judgement about who is right and who is wrong and obviously will stay away from punishing people.Because it is the King who decides between the two fighting parties as to who is right and who is wrong.The King rewards the good one and punishes the bad one.Remembering Allah as the King of all men,a person will even though very rich will not decide himself and punish anybody.Such a believer would obviously leave matters upto Allah and restrain from harsh behaviour.But afsos,this holy Quran was forgotten and kept behind only after a few years it came.People who had amassed lot of wealth through unIslamic means were greedy for more riches and power and hence the event of Karbala took place.We all know that the Shahadat of Hazrat Muslim(a.s) is considered as the beginning of Karbala.Condolences on the shahadat of his sons Janab Muhammed(r.a) and Janab Ibrahim(r.a).We cannot just forget how brutally these people were murdered for a petty amount.
May Allah's choicest reward be for these Shuhada(a.s).

Here I give a short essay on the masaib of the two sons of Hazrat Muslim(a.s) ----

Hazrat Muslim had taken with him his two sons Muhammad and Ibraheem. After Hazrat Muslim was killed, Muhammad and Ibraheem were also arrested and put into a dungeon. It is said that Muhammad was just eight years old and Ibraheem was ten years old.
On the 20th of Dhul-Hajj in 60 Hijrah, when the jailer came to give the children their evening meal, he saw them saying their prayers. The jailer waited. When the boys had finished their prayers, he asked them who they were. When the jailer learnt that they were the sons of Muslim Ibne Aqil and the grandsons of Hazrat Ali, he let them escape. The children came out of the prison.
The children said their prayers and went to sleep. In the evening Muhammad woke up and started crying. Ibraheem asked him why he was crying. Muhammad said "I saw our father in a dream. He was calling out for us". Ibraheem said, "Brother, be patient. I also saw our father in a dream beckoning us to him". They both started weeping. Harith, who had come back, heard the children crying. He opened the door and asked the children who they were. On learning they were the sons of Muslim Ibne Aqil, he tied both the boys to a pillar. Harith's wife tried to stop him, but he beat her up. Harith wanted to collect the reward which Ibne Ziyad had offered to anyone capturing the children.
The children spent the whole night tied to the pillar. In the morning Harith dragged them to the river-bank. He took out his sword. Ibraheem asked him, "Harith, are you going to kill us?" Harith said "Yes!" Ibraheem said, "In that case give us time to finish our morning prayers". The two boys said their prayers. They raised their hands and cried out "Inna Lillaah wa Inna Ilay-hi Rajeeoon! O Allah we are coming to you. Give our mother courage when she hears of our death and judge between us and our killers!!" Both the sons pleaded to Harith to kill them first and leave the other or kill the other brother afterwards.Muhammed said"O Harith kill me first since I am the elder brother".Ibrahim started crying.Ibrahim said "O Harith you kill me first.I am the younger one of the two.Please leave my elder brother.Kill me first atleast so that I may not see my brother being beheaded.Please kill me first".Hearing this Muhammed started crying loudly.Harith scolded both of them and ordered them to keep silence.They continued pleading and praying.They read the kalma.The sword came down! There were splashes of blood in the water.Harith beheaded them both and threw the bodies of Muhammed and Ibrahim into the river. Two young bodies were seen floating away in the waters of the river Furaat.
Inna Lillaahi wa Inna Ilay-hi Rajeeoon. Ala laanatullahe qaum uz zalimeen.

May Gods curse be on the enemies of Ahl ul Bayt (A.S). Ameen.


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