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Ziarat Imam Hussain

السلام عليك يا بن رسول الله، السلام عليك يا بن امير المؤمنين، السلام عليك يا بن الصديقة الطاهرة فاطمة سيدة نساء العالمين، السلام عليك يا مولاي يا ابا عبد الله ورحمة الله وبركاته، اشهد انك قد اقمت الصلاة وآتيت الزكاة وامرت بالمعروف ونهيت عن المنكر ، وتلوت الكتاب حق تلاوته وجاهدت في الله حق جهاده وصبرت على الاذى في جنبه محتسبا حتى اتاك اليقين، اشهد ان الذين خالفوك وحاربوك والذين خذلوك والذين قتلوك ملعونون على لسان النبي الامي وقد خاب من افترى، لعن الله الظالمين لكم من الاولين والاخرين وضاعف عليهم العذاب الاليم ، اتيتك يا مولاي يا بن رسول الله زائرا عارفا بحقك مواليا لاوليائك معاديا لاعدائك، مستبصرا بالهدى الذي أنت عليه، عارفا بضلالة من خالفك، فاشفع لي عند ربك.


Peace be on you, O son of the Messenger of Allah.
Peace be on you, O son of Ameerul Mu`mineen.
Peace be on you, O son of the Truthful, the Pure, Fatima, chief of the ladies of the worlds.
Peace be on you, O my master, O Abu `Abdillah. and the mercy of Allah, and His blessings. I bear witness that, you established prayers, and gave Zakat, enjoined the good, and forbade evil
You recited the Book (of Allah), the way it should be recited and you struggled in the way of Allah, the way it was its right, and you were patient in troubles on His side until conviction came to you.
I bear witness that, those who opposed you and fought you, and those who humiliated you and those who killed you, are cursed, by the tongue of the Prophet, the unlettered and whoever slackens will be disappointed. May Allah curse your oppressors from the first ones to the last, and increase on them the painful punishment.
I have come to you, O my master, O son of the Messenger of Allah, as a visitor, knowing your rights, having love for your friends, and hatred for your enemies, aware of the guidance on which you were, knowing the misguidance of those who opposed you, Therefore intercede for me with Your Lord.


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